domingo, 7 de agosto de 2016

Peter Croft Modo Automatikuai buruz: "when you take away the other person with you, it becomes all just you"

Peter Croft eskaladore yanki mitiko bat da.
Aldizkari batek eindako elakrrizketa batetan soluei buruz galdetzen dixue eta hau erantzuten deu. 
In previous interviews, you have talked about soloing being kind of like a dream. Can you tell us a bit about that?
Soloing suits some people and for most climbers it doesn’t suit them at all but anyone who has been climbing for a long time has experienced those times where you get in a rhythm and feel like you belong up there on the rock. So, when you take away the other person with you, it becomes all just you, the feeling you get becomes way more ‘all encompassing’. You become so into the kinesthetic feedback, you are like an animal up on the wall going on instinct. Kind of like that runner’s high or feeling of being in the flow. Soloing by its very nature can just be a lot more powerful in that way.

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